Syllabus for TNPSC Group 1,Group 2,Group 2a,Group4.
Download syllabus for TNPSC Group 1 Prelims and Mains:
In this pdf you can find the syllabus of tnpsc Group 1 Examination.Which comprises of both preliminary and main examination you can download the syllabus of both examinations syllabus in a single pdf.
Click here to download the updated syllabus of TNPSC Group 1
How to clear TNPSC Group Exam?
Welcome To My TNPSC Guide.You are in the right place If you are new to TNPSC preparation and don’t know how to start and what to study or If you are already preparing for TNPSC But you want to know whether you are preparing for exams in a correct way or if you have any doubts regarding TNPSC and you want to clarify it, This blog will help you in all the ways that you need,Just scroll down. In this article we will discuss about what is Tnpsc examination and how to clear it by following simple and easy strategies or methods.I am not going to take this explanation very lengthy,The explanation will be very short and precise.Let’s take a look about what is TNPSC Examination.
1.What is TNPSC Examination?
TNPSC is abbreviated as Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is a department which conducts examination for candidates who want to work with the departments that act under Tamil Nadu Government.
2.How to clear TNPSC Examination?
When it comes to preparing for Tnpsc Examination the commission itself announces syllabus for the concerned Examination.Mostly the syllabus will be more or less same for all the groups of examination(Group 1,Group 2,2A,4,etc.,).The commission is going to ask questions only from the syllabus released by them.
3.What materials to use for preparing exams?
This is the important part where you need to understand it clearly.So read this part very carefully.Usually questions come from the school books released by the Department of school Education under Government of Tamil Nadu. School Books of (Std-6 to Std-12) is the only material you need to have with you to clear this examination very easily.Other than that there are many materials are available in this Blog itself we will discuss about it clearly below As I have mentioned School Books are the only hope to clear TNPSC Examination But additionally there are other materials are available in the same website itself which are 1.Materials released by top institutes like Shankar’s IAS Academy,etc., But mostly you would need to pay to get this materials but I have got some of this paid materials and uploaded it in this site To download it click here.2.Materials released by Tamil Nadu Government The Tamil Nadu government itself releases materials according to the syllabus released to download materials released by the Tamil Nadu government click here
4.What is the syllabus for preparing TNPSC Examination?
Usually TNPSC releases syllabus for the concerned Examination along with its notification But mostly syllabus will be same for all the examination only some parts will have changes in the syllabus.
5.Clear explanation about the syllabus of TNPSC EXamination.(Preliminary).
TNPSC syllabus comprises of 10 units for the Preliminary Examination They are listed as follows
1.General Science
2.Current Affairs
3.Geography of India
4.History and Culture of India
5.Indian Polity
6.Indian Economy
7.Indian National Movement
8.History,Culture,Heritage and Socio – Political Movements in Tamil Nadu
9.Development Administration in Tamil Nadu
10.Aptitude and Mental Ability
The above ten are the syllabus for TNPSC Examination released recently(2020) by the commission so mostly the questions will be asked from the above given syllabus there is no changes made as of now.
Note:The above syllabus is only for Preliminary Examination The syllabus for Main Examination is discussed below.
6.How much Questions will be asked in TNPSC and what is the marking scheme?
When it comes to Preliminary Examination 200 questions will be asked out of which each question carries 1.5 marks,All the questions will be in objective type(Simply,Choose the correct answer) so totally in Preliminary Examination you will be answering 200 questions for 300 marks in 3 Hours.Below displayed image is the marking scheme released by TNPSC for the Preliminary Examination This will be the scheme for all the TNPSC Preliminary Examinations.
7.Which part in the syllabus carries highest mark?
As per the question bank released by the TNPSC, UNIT-VIII : History,Culture,Heritage and Socio – Political Movements in Tamil Nadu is the part that contains most of the marks [80 questions will be asked only from this part out of 200].So preparing only part 8 will be giving you 80 marks out of 200.So concentrate highly on this unit.
8.Model question paper For TNPSC released by the commission.
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission itself released a model question paper that clearly shows the question weightage of how much question will be asked from each section.just have a look at the PDF to understand about it more.
To download Model question paper released by TNPSC Click Here.
9.How to know when TNPSC will release notification for Exams?
Every year TNPSC will release Annual Planner on when they release notification for examination and which date the exam is going to be conducted.
To download Annual planner 2020 Click Here.
10.How to score 25/25 in Aptitude and Mental Ability?
If you are good in mathematics then you can easily score 25/25 in this part,Also this is the very important part in the examination.But to score 25/25 you need to be clear in the concepts and you should have practiced the problem concepts before the exam But if you are new to the preparation Don’t worry there are many Youtube channels that teaches Aptitude session also there are many books available to practice this section .To download it for free Click Here.
Here I have given only some points which most people asked to me
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