Previous Year Question Papers


     Hello Aspirants,Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducts many examinations each and every year for various posts in Tamil Nadu Government.After the completion of each examination the commission will release answer key of the examination for the benefit of aspirants to make them confident about their attempts in examination so that the aspirants can guess how much mark will they get for that particular exam.

Why Previous year question papers are important?  

Many peoples who cleared TNPSC Examinations stated that understanding the pattern of previous year question papers played major role in clearing the examinations.Let me explain it clearly,Peoples who cleared competitive exams very soon as they started their preparation in very short span of time said that understanding the previous year question paper's pattern as their one of the main strategy.The only important thing why we need to concentrate more on previous year question is, it helps us to understand how the commission are asking questions from different units.if we clearly divide the previous year questions in to units means we can easily find  from which unit tnpsc is asking more questions so that we can concentrate more on that particular clear analysis of pyq plays a major role while preparing for competitive in this list I have given all the previous year question conducted by tnpsc aspirants can make use of it and they  can focus more on the unit which has higher marks than the other.As per the recent updated syllabus UNIT 8 & 9 has more marks than the other so concentrate more on that units to score more marks(To know more about unit wise marks click here)
As discussed above now we have come to a solution that concentrating more on previous year question paper helps us to understand the pattern from tnpsc and using the strategy we can score more make use of the previous year question papers and make yourself strong in all the topics.

TNPSC Group 1 Previous Year Question Papers:

 The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducts Group 1 Examination every year to fill the posts that comes under group 1 cadre.Even though this exam has only less number of vacancies many aspirants tries to clear this exam.This Exam is a Degree standard examination so aspirants who ha completed any degree only are eligible to write the examination.Now I will list the TNPSC Group 1 Previous Year Question Papers year wise(Question papers before 2018 will have old syllabus). Aspirants can make use of the Previous year question papers for their preparation.

TNPSC Group 2 Previous Year Question Papers:


TNPSC Group2a Previous Year Question Papers:


TNPSC Group 4 Previous Year Question Papers:

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